WordPress Maintenance Packages

WordPress core, plugins, themes … are evolving very fast, new versions , features are being added weekly, monthly . So it’s important to adapt and keep your website up to date. We’re here to help you keep everything running smooth and we also offer services to fix problems of your existing WordPress website.


It’s important to keep your system stay up and running continuously with new stuffs added daily to make your business up-to-date and grows.


We offer maintenance & customization services for WordPress and WooCommerce at any level of complexity, and with aid from our own configurable development procedure, all changes are at highest standard but still specific to your website. Let us smash all annoying bugs for you!


  1. Fix site down issues
  2. Keep system up-to-date and secured
  3. Migration to different hosting provider
  4. Adding new features
  5. Install plugins and configure
  6. Integrate WordPress with 3rd parties
  7. Implementing new designs
  8. Reduce load time of website, improve Google PageSpeed score
  9. Implementing disaster recovery plans


That’s it, Let our specialists take care of your store. You shouldn’t need to worry about the website, it’s our job to do that. We’re pleased to make your life easier with better success.


Sometimes a good team is just not enough. Our carefully created processes shrinks the space for human errors and different bugs.