Magento Integrations

Happy with your existing CRM, ERP, POS, fulfillment, accounting, or other software and you love to use Magento ? No Problem, our team will customize your Magento website to play nicely with all your current software. We have years of experience building these integrations, understanding the all difficulties involved, and can help build reliable integrations that will help your businesses grow for years to come.


Magento may be limited to do things like Shipping, Accounting, ERP, CRM, POS … and there are many players on the field who can do those tasks wonderfully. That’s why sometime you need to use external CRM , ERP , POS, Fulfillment , Accounting softwares.


In addition to handling any Magento implementation with ease, we’re also offer enterprise integration services for Magento with wide variety of other systems , applications and/or third-party services like eBay, Amazon, Payment gateways, Shipping service providers …etc..


There are several approaches to integrate your Magento website with other services

  1. Integration using a module, This is the easiest way to integrate, there are just some steps to follow here
    1. Install module
    2. Configure module  and check result
    3. Implement custom features if required
  2. Custom API Development, so other systems can push data and interact with your Magento webstore.
    1. Build custom RESTful APIs (custom modules)
    2. integrate with existing APIs
    3. Extend , power up Magento default APIs
    4. Build bridge to connect multiple systems via APIs
  3. Custom module development to pull/push data between Magento and 3rd services
  4. Custom middleware act as a bridge for multiple services