Magento Maintenance & Customization

Your website doesn’t get better automatically day by day !

It’s important to keep your system stay up and running continuously with new stuffs added daily to make your business up-to-date and grows.

We offer maintenance & customization for various aspects of both Magento 1 and Magento 2 , from surface to the deepest core. Let us smash all annoying bugs for you!

  1. Bring back broken Magento website
  2. Install security patches
  3. Magento version upgrade
  4. Migration to different hosting provider
  5. Adding new features
  6. Install extensions and configure
  7. Integrate with 3rd parties
  8. Implementing new designs
  9. Reduce load time of website, improve Google PageSpeed score
  10. Reviewing log to prevent errors
  11. Implementing disaster recovery plans

That’s it, Let our professionals take care of your store. You shouldn’t need to worry about the website, it’s our job to do that. Our Magento certified specialists will make your life easier by removing the worrying and adding success.

Sometimes a good team is just not enough. Our carefully created processes shrinks the space for human errors and different bugs. Within our experience working with top eCommerce sites where even a second of downtime is a big deal we have gathered the experience to maintain your website safely.